Unfortunately, we didn't arrive in Mississippi until shortly before the school year started. Thank goodness I have such a wonderful husband who was willing to put in as much work as necessary to make my classroom ready.
We have a wonderful custodial team who found a desk by the dumpsters. After seeing all the sanding and painting my husband had done, they thought we could do some magic with this beauty. It had seen much better days!
Now, what could we do to really make it pop? We didn't have much time. I was already into professional development days and Nathan was getting ready to go back to work. I don't know where the idea came from, but then it hit me. I love fancy duct tape, and I had some funky fabric to match the teal in my room. With a few hours from my wonderful, amazing, fantastic husband... Ta da! He did such a wonderful job. This desk will go with me when we move.
With a whole lot of love, this was the final result.. (at least for the first couple days of school, when I started moving things around again).
It is lacking storage and a dry erase board, but it is so bright and colorful. There are some big changes in store for this upcoming year. Luckily, the school is closed to teachers for the entire month of June, but come July, I'll be working away at making an even more awesome room.